Age Calculator

Age Calculator to instantly determine age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds based on date of birth.

Information about Age Calculation

Age calculation is a simple process of calculating the difference between two dates. The difference between two dates is calculated in years, months, and days.

The age calculator tool on this page is capable of calculating the age of a person in years, months, and days. The tool is capable of calculating the age of a person from the date of birth to the current or future date.

This calculator caclulates your age based on common concept of age caclulation. In some culture you are automatically a year old when you are born, It is assumed that the months you have spent in your mother's womb are counted as your first year.

This calculator will consider the day you were born as your first day of life. A year after you were born, you will be a year old.

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