.sale Domain Whois lookup
Use our Whois Lookup tool to check domain availability and registration information. Get contact details, nameservers, and more.
About our whois lookup tool
Find out if a domain name is registered or is avvailable to register. Get the data for the registered domain name such as: domain registrar, domain expiry date, domain creation date and more.
Our whois lookup tool is free to use and provides accurate and reliable data. We support various domain name extentions.
We support these extentions:
.ac, .ae, .af, .africa, .ag, .ai, .am, .ar, .army, .art, .as, .at, .attorney, .au, .baby, .band, .be, .bg, .bi, .bj, .bm, .bn, .bo, .br, .bw, .by, .bz, .cafe, .cam, .cat, .cc, .cf, .ci, .cl, .cm, .cn, .co, .cologne, .com, .cr, .cz, .de, .degree, .dentist, .dk, .dm, .do, .dog, .dz, .earth, .ec, .ee, .engineer, .es, .eu, .fi, .film, .fj, .fm, .fr, .ga, .gay, .gd, .gf, .gg, .gi, .gives, .gl, .gov, .group, .gy, .hk.com, .hk, .hr, .ht, .hu, .icu, .id, .ie, .il, .im, .in, .info, .io, .iq, .ir, .is, .it.ao, .it, .je, .jewelry, .jp, .kg, .ki, .kids, .koeln, .kr, .kw, .kz, .la, .lawyer, .lc, .live, .loan, .lt, .ltd, .lu, .lv, .ly, .ma, .market, .md, .me, .mg, .mk, .mn, .mortgage, .ms, .mu, .mx, .mz, .na, .navy, .net, .news, .nf, .ng, .nl, .no, .nu, .nz, .om, .org, .page, .pe, .pl, .plus, .pr, .promo, .ps, .qa, .rehab, .ren, .republican, .rip, .ro, .rs, .ru, .rw, .sa, .sale, .sb, .sc, .se, .sg, .sh, .si, .sk, .sl, .sm, .sn, .so, .software, .st, .studio, .team, .tg
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