GPA Calculator

GPA calculator tool to swiftly compute GPA and generate a report based on course credits and the achieved grade. It supports both number and letter grades.

How is your GPA calculated?

Your GPA are calculated using a method called Weighted Average. Not all your grade points carry the same importance, and that is where the concept of weightage comes into play. This grade calculator is a tool that will help you calculate your grades based on weighted averages. 

You can add your Courses and their weight and get your grade results. We support both letter grades and numerical grades. Please look at our table if you are unsure about our letter grades, and use the numerical grades.

To calculate your grades for individual subjects use our Grade Calculator.

Letter Grade table

GradeGrade PointsPercentage

How can you calculate your GPA?

We will be using Weighted average to calculate your GPA of your total subjects.

The general formula to calculate the Weighted average is:

\overline{x} = \frac{\sum{(x_i \times w_i)}}{\sum{w_i}} = \frac{x_1w_1 + x_2w_2 + ... + x_nw_n}{w_1 + w_2 + ... + w_n}


  • x_i represents each individual value.
  • w_i represents the corresponding weight for each value.
  • The numerator is the sum of each value multiplied by its weight.
  • The denominator is the sum of all the weights.

Example 1 (Percentages):

Let us assume your marks in Math are 80, and the weightage is 30%. Your marks in Science are 90, and the weightage is 30%. Your marks in English are 60, and the weightage is 20%. Your marks in History are 70, and the weightage is 20%.

Weighted Average would be:

\overline{x} = \frac{80 \times 30 + 90 \times 30 + 60 \times 20 + 70 \times 20}{30 + 30 + 20 + 20}

\overline{x} = \frac{2400 + 2700 + 1200 + 1400}{100}

\overline{x} = \frac{7700}{100}

\overline{x} = 77

Your GPA/Percentage would be 77.

Example 2 (Letter Grades with credits):

Let us assume your marks in Math are A, and the credit is 3. Your marks in Science are B, and the credit is 3. Your marks in English are C, and the credit is 2. Your marks in History are D, and the credit is 2.

Weighted Average would be:

\overline{x} = \frac{4.0 \times 3 + 3.0 \times 3 + 2.0 \times 2 + 1.0 \times 2}{3 + 3 + 2 + 2}

\overline{x} = \frac{12 + 9 + 4 + 2}{10}

\overline{x} = \frac{27}{10}

\overline{x} = 2.7

Your GPA would be 2.7.

About our Grade Calculator

With the help of our grade calculator, you can easily add or remove the marks and their weight and you'll also be able to see the process.

Enter The Numbers and weights serially in the Number and Weight fields, then click on Calculate.

If you want to add more fields, click on “+ Add Field”, If you want to remove the last field, click on "- Remove last" 

I Hope our Grade Calculator helped you!

GPA Calculator

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