Percentage Change Calculator

Easy to use percentage calculator tool to calculate percentages for a variety of purposes. Percentage Calculator comes in handy while calculating discounts, calculating tips, or trying to figure out how much something has increased or decreased in value.

Information about Percentage Change

The Percentage Change Calculator (% Change Calculator) is used while comparing the new and old values (also called initial and final values). If the result of the percentage change calculation is positive, it indicates that the value has increased from the initial amount to the final amount. Conversely, if the result is negative, it signifies that the value has decreased.

The order of the numbers matters in this percentage change calculator, The V1 should be the old number, whereas V2 should be the new number.

The formula for percentage change

The percentage change is calculated by dividing the difference between the new and original values by the absolute value of the original value, then multiplying the result by 100.

Percentage Change = \frac{\Delta V}{\left| V_1 \right|} \times 100

= \frac{(V_2 - V_1)}{\left| V_1 \right|} \times 100

Example of calculating Percentage Change

Let us calculate the percentage change in your income. The income for your previous month was $8000 (V1) and for this month it's $7500 (V2) .

Let us calculate the percentage change by plugging these values in the percentage, change formula.

= \frac{(V_2 - V_1)}{\left| V_1 \right|} \times 100

= \frac{(7500 - 8000)}{\left| 8000 \right|} \times 100

= \frac{-500}{\left| 8000 \right|} \times 100

= -0.0625 \times 100

= -6.25 \% change

The result we got is negative, so it indicates a decrease. It seems your salary had a 6.25% decrease this month.

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