Tip Calculator
Easy to use Tip calculator, just enter your total bill, tip percentage, and the number of people (if you are spliting the bill).
Information about Tip Calculator
Use our tip calculator to calculate the tip amount for your bill. You can also split the bill among the number of people you want.
Tipping is a common practice in many countries, especially in the service industry. Whether you're dining at a restaurant, getting a haircut, or taking a cab ride, knowing how to calculate a tip is essential. Tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service. In many industries, tips make up a significant portion of workers' income. Therefore, knowing how to calculate and offer an appropriate tip not only shows your gratitude but also helps support those who provide excellent service.
How to calculate tips?
The most common percentage for tips is between 15% and 20% of the total bill. You can use this simple math to calculate tip on your device's calculator.
An example would be If you have a $50 bill and want to pay a 20% tip,
You would leave a $10 tip, making your total payment $60.
To make tip calculation easier you can use our tip calculator. If you are splitting your bill with your friends, it's an handly tool to figure out how much to tip.
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