Percentage Calculator

You can add any two values in the below input fields, and leave the desired one empty.
Example: 20% of 50 = __, or 20% of __ = 50, or __% of 20 = 50


X is what % of Y

is what % of

Percentage Change Calculator


Percentage Calculator

Free Percentage Calculator. Just enter the numbers and get the percentage along with calculation steps. Useful to calculate percentage increase, decrease, difference, and more.

Information about Percentage Calculator

Percentage calculation is essential in everyday situations to manage your financial data, for analyzing various data, or while figuring out discounts while shopping and handling tips.

What is a percentage?

A percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. The word comes from Latin which says “per centum” which means “by the hundred”. For example, 50% represents 50 out of 100, or also half of something.

How to Calculate X% of Y

The most common percentage calculation you'll encounter is finding what x% of a given y number is. We can use a simple formula, to find out the percentage of Y.

Percentage of Y = \frac{X}{100} \times Y

An example would be,

If you want to find what 20% of $150 is:

Percentage of 150 = \frac{20}{100} \times 150

= 0.2 \times 150

= 30

So, 20% of $150 is $30. Yay 🙌

Let's Calculate some Discounts 💰

Let's assume you are shopping for a jacket that costs $80, and it seems it's on sale for 25% off. Let's find out the discount amount we we can save some money!

Discount = \frac{25}{100} \times 80

= 0.25 \times 80

= 20

The discount came out to be $20, meaning the Sale price of the jacket is $80 - $20 = $60

X is What Percentage of Y?

Another common calculation is finding out what percentage of a number (X) is of another number (Y). The formula to calculate the percentage is:

Percentage = (\frac{X}{Y}) \times 100

Let us know more using examples of Test Scores!

Let us assume, you scored 45 out of 60 in a test. We can find out in percentage how much your score represents:

Percentage = (\frac{45}{60}) \times 100

= 0.75 \times 100

= 75 \%

Yay, you scored 75% on the test!

Percentage Change Calculator (Increase and Decrease)

To figure out how much a value has increased or decreased relative to its original amount, we use Percentage change. 

While dealing with percentage change you can either calculate an increase or decrease.

Percentage Increase

For Percentage Increase, We need to find out how much a value has been increased by a certain percentage. This can be done by converting the percentage to a decimal (dividing by 100) and then, multiplying it by the original value.

Let us assume your monthly salary of $8000 was increased by 10%. Let us find the actual amount it was increased to.

New Salary = 8000 \times (1 + \frac{10}{100}))

= 8000 \times (1 + 0.10)

= 8000 \times 1.10

= 8800

Your salary was increased to $8800🙌

Percentage Decrease

Similarly for Percentage Decrease, we find out how much a value has been decreased by a certain percentage. We convert the percentage to a decimal (dividing by 100) then subtract it from 1, and multiply it to the original value.

It seems the increase in your salary was only a one-time thing, another month passed by and they decided to decrease it by 12% 🥲. Let us calculate your new salary.

New Salary = 8800 \times (1 - \frac{12}{100})

= 8800 \times (1 - 0.12)

= 8800 \times 0.88

= 7744

Your Salary was decreased to $7744

You can use our easy to use tool to Calculate Percentages with real ease.

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